Wednesday, July 22, 2009

yUNa Fy YunA

do you want to know something?
after the spm season end, i started to wear the selendang instead of the usualy scarf that every normal girls wear..
my first selendang is the plain black one.. its very simple n comfortable..
there's a friend asked me about how did i wear the selendang n do the lilit-lilit n look nice on me..?!
my answer is, i just wear them in my way n it just follow my curve head..
hehe.. actualy, fy men hentam je pakai selendang tuu..
xsangka pulak fy pakai menjadi =D
so, its my natural creativity =)
from that moment, i started to buy variety colours of selendang and also a printed selendang..

i bring all my scraf n selendang to the UiTM..
I wore them to the class n around the UiTM..
and u know what happen?!
everytime people saw me, they called me YunA.
not just called, but they sang yuna's song!
adoi.. i dont know what else to think..
there's a lot of girls out there wear the same thing but xde pulak fy dgr they called yuna.
adeyh.. but, its a good feedback =D
hehe.. yg fy tau.. i wear this selendang before i know who's yuna..ok?!!

owh ya! especialy my classmate! the guys! aduuh..
ape la korang.. fy is fy and yuna is yuna..
im not tring to be her and im just being myself as FAIRUZ HAZWANI..
get it,darl?! haish..
to people out there, fy segan je kowt when i was passing by then u guys nyanyi lagu yuna yg 'dan sebenarnya' tuu..
bukan marah ke ape, it just, FY SEGAN KOWT! IM BLUSHING TAU X!

at first, fy da kurang kan pakai selendang2 nie,
then bile cuti h1n1 ari tuu, i bought a new selendang.
i bawak g uitm klantan nie ha and i da start balik pakai selendang2 nie..
hehehe, miss wearing them!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

when the night goes down

Nasir's daugthers

This is what happen when it comes to midnight

many wierd n unbelieveable things happened at that night

let me introduce to you guys

left : farah hanani : 2nd daugther : 16yrs

center : fairuz hazwani : 1st daugther : 18yrs

right : fatin hamani : 3rd daugther : 13yrs

Nasir's 2nd daugther is an excellent student n she's a prefect leader's assistant. she has a very high taste level when it comes to boyfriend. she's too commited in her studies n her position. so, its hard for guys to get close to her. almost 4-5 guys try to admit to her about their feelings but all them, have been regected. huhuu..

Nasir's 1st daugther is ........ huhu, i dont know how to describe myself..

well, in studies, im just an average student but still in a top 10 list =) childish, friendly, easy to get close n simple is who i am. when it comes to boyfriend, well, its hard for me to admit when i like someone -_- hehe.

(not true! i would tell my bestie atleast! hehe! )

owh, dont worry guys, eventhgh sometimes i do jual mahal, but there is always a way for u to get close to me.. (but dont too close k, huhu, fy cpt takut nnt).. and oh ya! hehe, i hve my own taste, so, who's the Unlucky Guy for me?? hehhe! LOL

Nasir's 3rd daughter is the most childish n happy person.. haha, as her sis, i might think that one day she could be the coolest person among evryone. bcoz, most 'junior' in our school, mak ai, kecoh gler kowt! gelabah n cepat sgt nk melatah. but she's not. she like to do her own stuff with her friends, still, she know evrythg about those gossips. haha!

about guys, haha! blom ade tande2 lg.. hehhe.. ( she's still young! daaa)

but, when the night goes down, haha, we r ONE.

doing crazy n useless stuff. taking pictures. blalala.

i need your vote!

who has tha 'karisma' ?

: 1st daugther 1-10 :

: 2nd daugther 1-10 :

: 3rd daugther 1-10 :

vote now!

p/s: vote for me! =)



bukan H1N1

the face of sickness.. huhuu..

yeah.. fy selsema.. sampai merah idong tu ha
di gosok sane sini.. huhu..

tp.. bukan H1N1 ok! haish, ade ke pulak cik abg ash n my sis tnyer its H1N1 or not?

huhu.., u making me heartbroken.. -_-"

xpe2, still, muke nmpk cute lg.. =P
hehe, prasan melebeyh..

taking med? owh NO! not at all.. haha..
thats y la till now xbaik2 lagi.. hehe..
siap order cold drink evrytime makan kat luar =D

yela2... fy nie degil ckit.. now da ok skit kot.. huhu..
(t'batok2 ) =D

Sunday, June 7, 2009

15 may 09 makan2 kat umah cikgu Zarina

time nie.. fy baru je balik dri keje kat sunway piramid..
hrmm,, penat 2 nk b'keja gi uamh cikgu.. nasib bek la dekat je umah cikgu ngn umah fy..
hrmm.. cikgu wat bbq n ade spagetti.. NICE..
well,, rase a bit x happening sgt la, coz ramai yg da xde..
dorg g matrik da,, huuhuu,, cedeyh cedeyh..
well, still we had fun with talking, laughing, perli sane sini, n fy, sure la im da 1 yg mrajok sane sini..
hehe, ape nk jd ngn fy tah.. hahah!
1st pic : fy tgh mkn.. credit 2 fifa syg :)
2nd pic : cik far syg n mimi :) 4got 2 tell, class 5s pown ade.. hehe..
3rd n 4th pics : sume mmg gelak habis la! haha! lupe la tgh cite psl ape, but we realy had a great time!
5th till 8th pics : me myself n i.. hehe.. credit 2 reeza gendot! =P
9th pic : Azhann bi Rosmin.. our class president.. dia amik tesl kat shah alam :) gud luck!
10th till 12th : WWF !!! haha, tgh restling kowt?? hehe, cian cik far asik kne bahan.. haha..
im gonna miss u guys! (^_^)

SoRry!! aMpun di Minta

im totaly sorry! da lem x update blog..

huhu, busy: keje, prepare for masuk U n da angau ngn cite boys over flowers...

hehe, cite 2, ish, inlove gler la! huhu..


thats y la asik x on9 ms n update blog..


sowy yeah!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


1. Acyclovir (virless) 1biji : 3kli sehari
2. Diclofenac 1biji : 3kli sehari
3. Calamine Lot sapu 4kli sehari


well, that's what the doctor said la..
last week kene..
but now da ok skit..

at 1st,
fy rase cm gatal2 kat my right shoulder n neck..
at that time, fy nk g mandi ;P
so, i want to scrub my body with garnier scrub.. hehe.. best je!
then, i just realize at my shoulder starting to when red.. huhu..
at 1st, i thought it's just normal, or maybe ade jerawat ke ape kt my shoulder..
then, im just scrub away all over my body including shoulders n neck..
mne tau after scrubing, dia ilang.. hehe..

Next day, dia jd cam bintik2 n ade cam berair lagi.. AduUuhh..
fy da xsenang ati.. da la nk gi keje dah nie..
its ok, there's still have 2morow if nk g klinik..
so, i told abah that i want to take a MC (hehe).. so he approved :)
I went to klinik Jamil.. blablabla..
The doctor said that i got KAYAP.. what?? rase cam penah dgr penyakit tu.. hehe
he said that its like a chicken poks but more serius.. (T_T)
i was SOO WORRY.. huhu.. Mcm mne fy boleh kene??
based on what the doc said, it's maybe:
: jangkitan : sharing towel : minum air yg xbersih :
huhu.. bile mase la pulak?? huhu..
xpe, fy mkn je ubat! sure sembuh! go fy! Go Fy! hehe

I told mama bout what the doc said..
mama t'kejut when dpt tau ank dara dia nie kne kayap.. huhu..
mama said, " ish, kayap nie lambat nk baik "
huhu! Mama nie! wat fy lemah smangat je! huhu..
abah plak said " mcm mne bleh kene nie?? "
hrmm.. redha jela..
everytime g keje.. ade la rse pedih n gatal.. huhu..
bersabar je fy.. rmm... rse geram pown ade!

da ok skit.. kurang la.. da xrse pedih sgt..
hope: leh fully sembuh.. AMIN...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

o0pss! i did it again...

oh, baby baby!
o0pss!! i think i did it again...!
i did it to your heart..
hehe.. the dilema begin...
Im such a friendly person when i meet someone who i can talk to or 'satu kepale'.. hehe..
With babes', now da jadi my sayangs, darlings n honeys..
With dudes', mostly they r my boyfriends that i can hangout with, without any segan2.. hehe..
And.. the reality now is.. IM SINGLE..
so, i DO the flirty things.. (opss!)
BUT.. ehem, im very like to jual mahal.. haha!
well.. abah ask me to be choosy =D
back to the 'o0pss!'..
when im being friendly to the guys..
who im chatting with or sms-ing..
well, kate pon being friendly..
meaning all the flirting or ngade2 or mrajok n whatsoever,
Then, the FEW guys, fall for me pulak dah.. AdUhhh...
hrmm.. hey! Cmon la.. fy bukan nyer ayat u guys pown.. I just be who i am..
all the smiles, the sweet talks, the m'ngade2, ITS ALL THE TALKING OK!
xde hearts feeling.. kang, if fy xlayan, kate sombong pulak..
well, its not wrong for u to fall for me, ok ;) ..but.. just take it easy..
im still not recover yet.. so, faham2 la.. huhu.. fyi: im 101% MOVED ON! :))
u dont have to push or ask me whthr if i have the same feeling as u..
for now, the answer is NO / NOT YET ..hehe.. it takes time, honey..
ingat senang ke nak make me truly fall inlove, huh?!
takat suke saje2 tu, haha, mmg la da byk! ask my lalink aini.. hehe..
Its like, im afraid to have a special relationship again..
if i do have ready to have a new man, i'll inform u.. ( haha! xde makne nyer! =P)
fy just wait to go to UiTM, and, if ade someone yg i can fall with, then let it flow..
STILL! hehe.. im very choosy ok! haha! all the 'ayat' wont works 4 me =D
friendly is what i am now. and i dont find a new man. i just wait the loves cme 2 me
then i'll let it flow.. lastly.. I LOVE YOU, GUYS :)
notes: fy layan sume org same je.. all the ngade2, it all me, nothing more.. so, im sorry, if fy make u fall for me.. hehe.. its my naturaly :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

1st Memories

year: 2008
name: Azhann Rosmin
relationship: 16nov06 - 18jan09
call each other: DEAR
end up nicely but cold.
I dont want to post about my ex-boyfriend, but still, hrmm... He's my 1st love and the one who show me how important the word 'respect' mean...
Our relationship now is : not more than a classmate.
I want to be friends, but he refuse.. hrmm, i dont mind.. If u want to hate me, its ur power to choose.. Im in my own way now.. hehe..
Well, i just want my readers to know, that I dont n never hate him..
regret?! oh no, never.. fy ikhlas ok.. i wont take it back..
if i say i miss you always, then im gonna miss u.. :)
so, its all end here..
he asked me 2 move on, then a moved on u get..
I'VE MOVE ON! woot woot! =D more babes, more dudes
owh ya! I still call him 'dear', haha! We promise each other 'dear always'.. n i'll never call any1 'dear'..
so, I dont knw if fy sorg je ke yg still call him 'dear'? Azhann?
hrmm, its like a b'tepuk sbelah tgn dont u think?
pape pon, i kept my promise, ok :)
I hope: We will smile to each other when we meet someday in the future,dear :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


yeah, its me,fy :) well, i do love gilrlie stuff.. well, coz im a girl la kan.. i can be friendly but still choosy... abah askd me to be a bit choose when it comes in friends n especialy boyfriend.. hehe.. so, kene la pandai pilih kawan ye cik fy.. I don realy like hating people.. well, sape yg xde xske kat sape2 kn? well, for me, hating people are such a waste and tiring.. we attract more negative charge thn positive one.. so, guys, think about it :)

Innocent.. yeah, fy teramat suke buat muke innocent, klu x pown be innocent people.. hehe! so, jgn terpedaya kayh.. haha..

new here :)

1st time je buat blog :)
ramai yg suruh buat.. haish..
yela yela, fy buat la nie..
fy mls skit nk typing2, but still, hre i am now.. new in blogspot :)
fy xtau nk update ape sgt.. yela, kate pown baru lg kn.. hehe..
so, do wait for my next update,, love ya :x