Friday, November 19, 2010


Sangat comel kan? heee.
nia lah anak kucing fy!
ok yang kiri tuh name dia cimong and kanan tu muci!
hee, name pown dah comel apetah lagi tuan nyeee! *tetibe

tapi kan...
abah nak jual kucing nie.
ant fyi, abah nak jual rm1,500 for both!
and dah ade yang nak tgk!
hebat kan. heee
lagi pon, xde sape yang mampu take your eye off my cat.
kan? haaaa....

btw, muci agak comot sikit. hehe, mate dia asek kene bersihkan je..
si cimong pulak suke sgt kencing merate!
haish, nasek baik lah awk comel sygku..

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


ok. on the 13th Nov 2010
my whole family member went to makan2 at the Carls Jr ,Sunway.
actualy for celebrating my belated birthday and belated anniversary my parents
usually kan kalau makan dekat situ mmg x selalu beli 1 burger for each person bcoz the burger is soo rich and big, so agak tak mampu kadang2 nak menghabiskan. so just beli 4-5 burger only.
btw, my family member is 7 person :)
but on that day, my dad bought 1 burger each, pergh! hee..

ok, i choose to have a crispy chicken. *i guess.
sangat excited ok nak makan burger! heee
then i thought that i can finish then myself but sadly i cant.
itu lah, tadi bajet boleh habes kan. grrr!
i gave em to my lil brother yang tengah semangat nak naek kan badan dia so that he can look big enough. -,-"

owh ya! 1 thing yang saye sgt xberkenan bout Carls Jr is CHILLI SAUCE!
saye nie mmg xboleh hidup tanpa sos yang byk ye.
and they gave us few packets of it and SGT TAK CUKUP OK!
then i asked my mom to mintak sos kat abang tuh, and guess what?
hello brader, perli ke ape huh?
hahaa! ok he said yg if xhabis letak je atas meja tuh.
and the end of eating, sos mmg x habes but nukan nyer letak atas meja.
my mom told me to take it and put inside my bag -___-"
"ok mama........"
sgt byk yaww.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


heee! sorry la sesgt bcoz dah lame sgt tinggalkan awk Mr.Blog. huu.
Well there're few reasons this blog dah jd mcm sarang ape tah;

1. im not good in writing. i like to do the talking.
2. im a typo. heee.. suke je typing error. tu yang lame2 fedup tuh. ish.
3. kadang2 xtau nak cerita ape coz my life is not that interesting. *i guess?
4. i am too busy with my study. well, AD's student sgt2 busy ye. huuu.

So, are this reason can be accepted? hee :) please do.

ok ok, after this I'll try to give my time to do the blogging ok! :)