1. Acyclovir (virless) 1biji : 3kli sehari
2. Diclofenac 1biji : 3kli sehari
3. Calamine Lot sapu 4kli sehari
well, that's what the doctor said la..
last week kene..
but now da ok skit..
at 1st,
fy rase cm gatal2 kat my right shoulder n neck..
at that time, fy nk g mandi ;P
so, i want to scrub my body with garnier scrub.. hehe.. best je!
then, i just realize at my shoulder starting to when red.. huhu..
at 1st, i thought it's just normal, or maybe ade jerawat ke ape kt my shoulder..
then, im just scrub away all over my body including shoulders n neck..
mne tau after scrubing, dia ilang.. hehe..
Next day, dia jd cam bintik2 n ade cam berair lagi.. AduUuhh..
fy da xsenang ati.. da la nk gi keje dah nie..
its ok, there's still have 2morow if nk g klinik..
so, i told abah that i want to take a MC (hehe).. so he approved :)
I went to klinik Jamil.. blablabla..
The doctor said that i got KAYAP.. what?? rase cam penah dgr penyakit tu.. hehe
he said that its like a chicken poks but more serius.. (T_T)
i was SOO WORRY.. huhu.. Mcm mne fy boleh kene??
based on what the doc said, it's maybe:
: jangkitan : sharing towel : minum air yg xbersih :
huhu.. bile mase la pulak?? huhu..
xpe, fy mkn je ubat! sure sembuh! go fy! Go Fy! hehe
I told mama bout what the doc said..
mama t'kejut when dpt tau ank dara dia nie kne kayap.. huhu..
mama said, " ish, kayap nie lambat nk baik "
huhu! Mama nie! wat fy lemah smangat je! huhu..
abah plak said " mcm mne bleh kene nie?? "
hrmm.. redha jela..
everytime g keje.. ade la rse pedih n gatal.. huhu..
bersabar je fy.. rmm... rse geram pown ade!
da ok skit.. kurang la.. da xrse pedih sgt..
hope: leh fully sembuh.. AMIN...